Zainetto cop

Lo zainetto di Matilde (Matilde's backpack)
Created by Silvia Del Francia and Luca Cognolato, illustrated by Fabio Sardo
Publisher: Carthusia edizioni (Italy)

Silent Book Contest 2021 - Gianni De Conno Award
Hardcover, 28,5 x 28,5 cm
Pages: 36

Rights represented: English, French and Spanish
Rights available for all languages

When the lessons end and Matilde leaves school, her grandfather is there at the exit waiting for her and carrying her backpack. How will they spend the day together, waiting for mom and dad to return?
A wordless book dedicated to the figure of grandparents, who are so precious for the little ones on their way to grow up.

Lo zainetto di Matilde
Lo zainetto di Matilde
Lo zainetto di Matilde