Carthusia Edizioni

Rights represented: Spanish, French and English languages.


Carthusia Edizioni is an independent publishing house of children’s books based in Italy.
Their editorial line is very peculiar because their aim is to face those topics which are usually considered “original” and “courageous” through the illustrated book. Carthusia is among the promoters and organizers of the Silent Book Contest – Gianni De Conno Award, the first international contest dedicated to books without words.


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L’anno che non ho compiuto gli anni (The Year I hadn’t My Birthday)
Lo zainetto di Matilde
L’isola all’ultimo piano
Il lungo viaggio di Cip e Tigre
La valigia
Costruttori di stelle
Se riesco io, puoi farcela anche tu
La serra
Il tesoro di Nina
Il giardino dei sogni